No one knows how long the corona crisis will have an influence on the lives of millions of people around the world. And even though everyone is faced with this uncertainty, these times are especially stressful for athletes. Athletes are used to working with strict schedules to be able to peak at a specific time during the season. Now that all competitions are shut down and postponed, they are suddenly faced with uncertainty. Instead of a specific goal, they are now left with a vague goal: being ready for peak performance when the corona crisis has come to an end.
Get insights into the progress of the players
Try now: Johan RPE app
The disadvantages of individual training
Adjust the training program to the individual needs of your players
Fill in recovery scores
To make sure that players remain their fitness levels during the corona crisis it is of utmost importance to monitor the progress of your players. The JOHAN Team Performance App provides an easy-to-use solution for this. Based on the exertion and recovery scores, that the players fill in on their mobile phone, the coach can adjust the training program to the individual needs of the players. Thus, make sure that you can adjust the individual programs to the needs of the players by using the JOHAN Team Performance App. Try our FREE RPE app during COVID-19 temporarily!